A review by gen_vie
The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham


I would never have discovered this gem of a book if not for my obsession with the actor, Tyrone Power. The 1946 adaptation of this book starred Power as Larry Darrell and he gave such a fine performance - one of his best - and I loved that movie so much that I was intrigued with its source material. Hence, I decided to read this book, and now, I love this book even more than the film (sorry, Ty). I have read several reviews drawing parallels between this book and The Great Gatsby, and they're right. The Razor's Edge feels like The Great Gatsby but told by an English author and with a considerable chunk of it exploring philosophical themes (which is certainly my cup of tea). W. Somerset Maugham's underrated classic holds its own ground and is right up there along with F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece as one of the greats and it now has a special place in my heart as one of my personal favorites.