A review by teamoxfordcomma
Life's Too Short to Pretend You're Not Religious by David Dark


This wonderful book is the literary version of my class this semester with Dr. David Dark, and I am so lucky to have had this experience, to have been able to read this book at the close of the class. I can truly say I am leaving FYS a changed person for the better. (This was not required reading, for the record. I just bought a copy off Dark.)

I loved all the poignant insights in this text. There are so many concepts in here that just marinade in my brain and I truly appreciate them – truly appreciate him – and are things I wish everyone knew, everyone acted on. I especially loved the idea of "the chother"... In an age such as today with so much (imagined) division, if more people knew about and acted upon their chother, we'd live in a much happier world.

This is a foray into philosophy. This is a venture into humanity. And if you want to live a more awake life, I would recommend you start by reading this book.