A review by ellelainey
That Time I Got Stuck to the Guy I Hate by Tarona


Kuga Senri reinvented himself for college, only to get landed with a stickler, Kyouhei Igarashi, as a roommate.
They touch hands when Kuga is about to fall and Igarashi grabs him to stop his fall. They get stuck together, unable to pull apart. For some reason *cough* 👉👈 Igarashi decides that if they get freaky, it might release them. But the key is to come together. 😜 Miraculously, it works! They become UNstuck.
However...they soon end up stuck together again...and again...and again... A pattern emerges and they end up stuck together EVERY DAY! Which, you know, requires *special circumstances*.
This was all very convenient for Igarashi - the quick learner - and irritating for the super sensitive Kuga.

The plot is very quick to get to the point, which was actually a good thing because there was a lot of plot AFTER the main concept of them getting stuck to each other.

We get Kuga's POV up until the 50% mark, then it switches to show a dual POV, which is important for...reasons.

I LOVE how Kuga's feelings slowly begin to develop, changing gradually in a very natural way. I really love that he puts some time and effort into researching their 'urban legend' curse of being stuck to each other. It was a really original idea, rather than the other stuck together concepts I've read.
I really loved the grumpy but very deep Igarashi.

This was such a fun story with two great MC's.