A review by kellyyoungauthor
The Ex-Husband by Karen Hamilton


With The Ex-Husband, Karen Hamilton presents a riveting tale of crime and the rationalizations criminals make as they spiral deeper into their lives of lies and deceit. Charlotte, the main character who has been swept along in her boyfriend-turned-husband's schemes, tells herself they are only taking from those who deserve or can afford it, excusing her behaviour in such a way that the reader actually finds herself empathizing with her as the consequences of both her actions and those of her ex that she hadn't been aware of come home to roost.
The book is well-written and suspenseful, the cruise ship settings are intricate and often recognizable for those who have travelled, And the underlying warning to travellers concerning their security while away is one not to be taken lightly.
I did, however, find the ending to be abrupt after the detailed events that preceded it. It left me feeling like I'd missed something somehow.
I am grateful to #NetGalley. and @harpercollinsca for the advanced copy of #TheExHusband .