A review by a_h_haga
Critical Role: Vox Machina — Kith & Kin by Marieke Nijkamp


I don't have a relationship to Vex and Vax from before, as I never watched Campaign 1, so I didn't originally plan on reading this book, but it was the only thing that sparked some interest at the time, so I gave it a go. I'm glad I did. I now want to watch Campaign 1, despite the sound that gives me a headache every time I try. (It's not bad for ''normal'' people, but I have a messed up sound sensitivity)

The book in itself is well written. It has an interesting story about humanity and how there's two sies to every story, and ever villain and person. I will admit that it was slow at times, and I did space out, but if that was just my depressed mind wandering or the book at fault, I don't know.

I did really appreciate how real the world felt to me, though! Not only did the book feel like a Critical Role ARC - which I'm surprised at, that a writer could capture - but there was also disabled and LGBT+ people all over, which is how the world actually is! It was fantastically real.