A review by rowanslibrary_
The King's Men by Nora Sakavic


Quick fire reviews because I binged this while I was sick;

Book 3 of the All For The Game series is just more pain! Neil is out of time, his father on his heels, Riko staking his claim on his life, and Andrew off his meds.

The moments between Neil and Andrew are the only balm to the pain. “I am nothing, and you say you want nothing” still gets me. So many killer lines.

I do think this is the strongest in the trilogy. I love all the foxes and saying goodbye to them sucked! After this I read the bonus scenes included in my Rainbowcrate Special editions, which really just were the cherry on top of an incredibly addictive reading experience.

Thank you Nora, for the pain, and for finally writing a sequel series. Take me the The Sunshine Court!