A review by thesinginglights
The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov


A pretty uninteresting detective story with some pretty interesting philosophy. I was a bit disappointed, to be honest. The set-up is fascinating: futuristic world where there are tensions between humans and extra-planetary Spacers are rife. The two communities are separated: humans cloistered in their caves of steel, large networks of urban area inside instead of how we know them; the Spacers meanwhile are in their own domed communities free from the disease-carrying humans. A robot Spacer is teamed with a human police officer to investigate the death of a (fleshy) Spacer.

Sound good so far? Unfortunately, despite the real and clear animosity the humans have for robots and the philosophical discussions of the nature of reality and the relationship between humans, it was kind of boring. That's a shame, considering the towering influence that Asmiov possesses. Perhaps I started in the wrong place.