A review by zachlittrell
My Man Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse


Pure British goofball nonsense candy. They all have the same pattern: amiable British aristocratic dummy who does nothing for a living is asked to help get a friend out of a jam; he comes up with a rather silly plan that surprisingly is effective; an unexpected curveball is thrown that ruins the whole scheme; and it turns out in the end the problem usually resolves itself, or Jeeves gives some intervention. But they're so delightfully dumb that it's entertaining to go through it every time (and it has that Winnie the Pooh-quality seriousness where kidnapping a kid and stealing a painting are handled so ineptly and half-heartedly you can comfortably read with no tension).

Minor aside: some of the stories are about Bertie Wooster, but some are about Reggie Pepper, and they are so alike that it took me a hot second to overcome the thought "wait, does Bertie have multiple names?" Jeeves is also missing from a large chunk of these stories, which is a tremendous shame. His dry humor, sly love of life (the guy can party in NYC), and his infinite patience for being right when Bertie still hasn't cottoned on.