A review by booklover_zzz
Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer


**semi-spoiler review**

Twilight was the book that made me fall in love with reading. Before Twilight I’d always hated it and found recreational reading (and summer reading) to be a burden. If I had been introduced to Midnight Sun (as Twilight) in the 5-6th grade, I promise you all, I would never have finished the book...It was so damn long! But it filled me in on everything I always wanted to know and Twilight seems to have come around in full circle now. This book was perfect for those Millennials/Older Gen Zs that hopped on the Twilight train at a young age and needed some nostalgia. This book is Twilight but with more information. We get to know why Edward is so “gaga” about Bella and more about the vampire world. Even the werewolves get a more drawn out story. I was super impressed and stunned by how much Edward knew beforehand. God, Bella read like such a tool with so much of a overhyped personality, (intense, obsession problems?— Renee thinks this at the hospital), and beauty in plainness and humanity.

If Twilight had this much info in it originally, the editors would have cut a lot out. :3 I’m surprised more wasn’t cut from Midnight Sun. Definitely worth the $$ though. I loved diving back into the world of vampires and Forks and all that.

I subtracted a star (and thought about taking away another .5) for the writing and grammar (I found 3 mistakes while reading). :/ I’ve read ppl saying that Stephenie’s prose had improved so I don’t have the slightest interest in knowing or rereading what I used to idolize as “fine literature.” I took this adventure 1 more time for my pre-teen self and probably won’t hop back on the train until she comes out with another book *fingers crossed*.