A review by tobin_elliott
Seven Fallen Feathers: Racism, Death, and Hard Truths in a Northern City by Tanya Talaga

challenging dark emotional informative sad tense medium-paced


Every year, around this time, my place of employment offers up a book that deals with our troubled history with our Indigenous population. I'm grateful for this, because it demands that I pay attention to something that—as a white, middle-class male—typically would fly under my radar.

None of this should fly under anyone's radar. Canada's great shame is that we have done wrong by those people who inhabited this land long before any white faces showed up. And, due to Canadian indifference and governmental stalling and excuse and delay and excuse and delay...we're still doing wrong by them.

This is an important work, and I dare any parent to read this and put themselves in the shoes of the parents and caregivers in this book. Put your kid in place of one of the seven who died tragically, and then were ignored by everyone who should have done their jobs to ensure it never happened again.

It's a hard, dreadful book to read.

And every Canadian should read it.