A review by ninaprime
Evidence of Things Seen: True Crime in an Era of Reckoning by Sarah Weinman


A collection of jounalistic essays that focus on victims and their families and the failures of the system to get them justice. While some resonated more than others for me, all of these works were thoughtful, humanizing examinations of race, inequity, and trauma. However, outside of the introduction, there wasn't anything to tie the essays together or delve into the themes and challenges of true crime consumption, which would have added value to me as a reader.

Highlights included:
A Brutal Lynching. An Indifferent Police Force . A 34-Year Wait for Justice.
"No Choice but to Do It": Why Women Go to Prison
How the Atlanta Spa Shootings - the Victims, the Survivors - Tell A Story of America
Who Owns Amanda Knox
Three Bodies in Texas