A review by mimi_reads_alot
Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell


I'm counting this book as read because I suffered through over half the damn book then skimmed to the end to find out what happens.

I am so disappointed in this book. Where so much could have been done. But no. We have Kay being whiny about the cfc not being run right in her absence.


sorry for the yelling but damn. Shut up already. What happened to kick ass competent Kay?

Then we have the character I have despised since he came back from the dead which is where the hell he should have stayed. I hate Benton. My hatred started in his first book back. And now, it's even worse. He's so secretive, manipulative, and condescending at times. I stopped reading and started skimming when he admitted he knew Fielding was using Kay's office and didn't bother telling her. And didn't bother telling her all the shit that was wrong with the cfc. What a scumbag! Why oh why Patricia did you have to bring him back?? Kay was better off with him dead.

Ok rant about Benton over.

Frankly this book was too long, too wordy, too everything. Which is a shame bc the scarpetta books where so good in the beginning. I'll keep reading because I own them all and hope they get better.