A review by frannien06
All the Beautiful Lies by Peter Swanson


I love Peter Swanson. Honestly, the way he writes his stories is just amazing. This story, like his others, was addicting. He has the creepiest most endearing characters that you cant help but love even as they do evil things.

The description is pretty spot on, except that it makes it sound more exciting than it really is. Harry's dad dies a few days before his graduation. Turns out it may not have been a natural death. Alice, harry's step mom, is oddly attracted to him. Things start getting fishy (about his dad's death) and BOOM we get the full story.

The book goes from past to present, the past being Alice's story and the present is Harry's. I really enjoyed Alice's story the most. She is a creepy one, I tell ya. She was also the most fascinating character in the book. She is stoic and bland, all while being intriguing af. She gets away with a lot by simply being bleh. She's manipulative and kind of perfect.

I have to give the book 4.5 * Stars* because the age gap was weird. It's like....it was introduced in the book as no big deal, but as the story continued, it was clear that it was pedophelia and he should've just written it that way from the beginning. that's just my take on it.

overall, not my favorite of his but still very very good.