A review by jpaulthunders77
Blanky by Kealan Patrick Burke


I enjoyed this more than I expected. Basically, this book was about a man battling against grief after the death of his baby daughter. Because of what had happened, he and his wife separated for a while, but then one day, he found this blanket—they thought they had disposed—which was his daughter's favorite (according to his wife).

The horror part was more on the psychological aspect and not on the supernatural ones. More importantly, it tackled about a man's descent to madness while living with loneliness, guilt, and grief. It had a good narrative on how his perception of reality became a blurry, twisted mess.

The twist in the end was good though, but lacked proper build up—which was fine by me considering this was a novella. The writing also was good. It actually read like a literary fiction, that's why I liked it so much.