A review by themagicalbookarchive
10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall


4.5 stars

Thank you SourceBooks and NetGalley to send me a copy in exchange for my honest review!

I liked this book so much more than Boyfriend Material! I’m not a big fan of the amnesia trope, but in this book there was a twist on the trope and I really liked that! Sam was an amazing character. A bit stupid sometimes, but he knew he was being stupid so that’s fine. Jonathan was a grumpy boss at first, but melted troughout the book.

“Because when we’re like this, I’m happy.”

Just as with Boyfriend Material, I really adored the humour in this book. I’ve laughed out loud multple times again (which gave some weird looks from my surroundings), but I’ve also shed some tears. This book has been an emotional rollercoaster.

“I think I’d rather be someone who cares too much than someone who cares too little.”

This book is perfect to read during Christmas season, because it takes place during Christmas, but also perfect to read during any other time of the year!

The romance between the characters felt very natural. It wasn’t too fast and not too slow, just perfect. And when they finally admitted it, it was ust soooo cute

“ I don’t know how I’m supposed to go the rest of my life without being kissed by you again. “