A review by ryssaelyse
Awaken The Dawn by Ellis K. Popa


Have you ever seen the movie, “Taken” before? Did you like it? What about ”The Da Vinci Code”? How’d you feel about that one? If you enjoyed both of these movies’ concepts, let’s take it a step further and imagine a project that brought both of them together.

Yeah, that’s this!

When the main character, Kat, loses her dad during a business trip to Romania, she blames herself. That is, until a package arrives from her dad with a list of clues hinting at one of his old school scavenger hunts. She heads straight to Romania to further investigate and ends up meeting this (SUPER FINE) badass who offers to assist her in her hunt; but as the two unravel each layer of the clues, a deadly secret is slowly revealed and Kat learns that not everyone can be trusted.

I will say, if you're not a fan of FMCs (female main characters) who may not exactly be the brightest in terms of seeing or catching red flags, this may be slightly off putting to you. While the character herself is quite intelligent, there were just times that I wanted to reach into the pages, shake her by her shoulders, and ask how she didn't pick up on certain aspects lol. But other than that, I found this story to be very engaging! From the scammers, dangerous neighborhoods, the sketchy investigators, the clubs, friends-turned-foe, foe-turned-friends, the fights, and the fact that this is supposedly to be followed up with a sequel definitely kept me turning the pages not caring that I had to clock in at work 4 hours after finishing it!