A review by renee_conoulty
The Art of Keeping Secrets by Rachael Johns


The Art of Keeping Secrets has now overtaken The Patterson Girls as my new favourite Rachael Johns book. This fabulous contemporary fiction novel follows the lives of three women, who have been friends for years but are each keeping secrets.

I giggled, I teared up, I kept turning the pages. The only reason I didn't finish it sooner was that I put all my books down for a few days so that I could flit around the Romance Writer's of Australia conference, soaking up the love, and get to meet [a:Rachael Johns|5322143|Rachael Johns|https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/authors/1323691466p2/5322143.jpg] in person (*waves* hi, Rach).

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.