A review by kailafitz
The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas


This really should go into 'Did Not Finish' because re-reading this, I refused to finish the last novella.

The Assassin and the Pirate Lord

“If you ever tell anyone about me embracing you... I'll gut you.”

A sixteen year old Celaena Sardothien is sent to Skull's Bay to deal with some business for her master, Arobynn Hamel, the King of Assassins. Eight years of training with her master and now his protégée, the deadly and beautiful assassin is full of arrogance, honour and wit. Along with Sam Cortland, they travel to meet the infamous Pirate Lord, Captain Rolfe.
However, Arobynn's deal is a revelation to them and Celaena and Sam must decide to work together and risk unimaginable punishment to do what they believe is right.

The Assassin and the Healer

“Sam had become her friend, she supposed.”

Bearing punishment, we catch Celaena mid journey in the rotting port of Innish, from where she's to catch a boat to the Red Desert. Looking for a fight, Celaena's anger and fury is at a blowing point after a rough beating that she hopes will not scar her face.
When the young barmaid, Irene, steps into trouble though, Celaena decides to teach her a thing or two about how to defend herself. Learning Yrene's story clears Celaena's mind and she shows heart in giving the girl an opportunity to make something of herself and follow her dreams.

The Assassin and the Desert

“Celaena stared at the ceiling, suddenly homesick, strangely wishing Sam was with her.”

Sent to the Silent Assassins in the Red Desert by Arobynn to learn a thing or two, Celaena Sardothien, now seventeen, must prove herself and revaluate her training in order to fit in. Her mission is to earn a letter of approval from the Mute Master himself within the month.
Ansel of Briarcliff from the Wastes becomes a friend to Celaena, the closest she's ever had. She shows Celaena how to live a little, although how much of her is real, it's hard to know. Learning of Ansel's painful past, we see there is more than meets the eye with her.

Throughout her training, Celaena becomes rounded in many ways. She becomes more knowledgeable, improves her skills and discovers new techniques that open her up. So much so that returning to Rifthold to her master scares her, so much has changed.
But we see her stronger with new hopes as she faces the north winds and sets off for home.

The Assassin and the Underworld

“I love you," he breathed against her mouth. "And from today onward, I want to never be separated from you. Where you go, I go. Even if that means going to Hell itself, wherever you are, that's where I want to be. Forever.”

Returning home is not as Celaena imagined. After everything she visualised herself saying to The King of Assassins who beat her unconscious three months ago, she ends up falling into place as his little assassin; but she doesn't plan on forgiving him.
In his apologies, he offers her a contract but for Celaena, it's the final straw as she makes the decision to move out and leave her master. Unfortunately, it won't be his last betrayal.

Working with Sam Cortland again, the two reunite after a Summer of unsaid thoughts and feelings that have now built up between them since the night they worked together in Skull's Bay. Revealing his true feelings, Celaena can't deny that she's grown to care for Sam too. So much so that she pays off his debt to their master as well as hers so they can be together.

The Assassin and the Empire

“She would tuck Sam into her heart, a bright light for her to take out whenever things were darkest.”


Yeah I'm not gonna say much here. I'll just skip on to what I think, which will probably explain too much but anyway.

“I can wait," he said thickly, kissing her collarbone. "We have all the time in the world.”

JESUS HOW CRUEL CAN SHE BE. There were some god awful lines that feel sick and twisted. Although I love this series so much and I respect Sarah J. Maas, Sam's death really gets to me.

His death certainly pushes Throne of Glass into the great story that it has become and it's evident in the latest instalment of the series that he's still impacting and shaping the plot and Aelin to a certain extent..
But I could still see it as good a series without all the love stories intertwined, LOVE STORIES, NOT CHARACTERS. I love Dorian and Rowan...and Chaol I don't know ANYWAY. It's that good, that with Sam by her side that aspect would be whole-heartedly covered.

EVERYONE LOVES SAM- I have never seen anyone knock him. We all have our ships but Sam is certainly loved and MISSED by the fandom.

He shows so many qualities that make him absolutely perfect for Celaena and Aelin, and his flaws only make him more real.

“My price was his oath that he'd never lay a hand on you again. I told him I'd forgive him in exchange for that.”

Throughout the novellas we see him show courage, bravery, passion and serious skill which I think people sometimes forget. That he was right up there with the best of them with Celaena. He can be ruthless and cunning as we see in the O.1 and 0.4.
In 0.1, it's actually Sam who frees the slaves when Celaena gets caught up with Rolfe. And if people remember, the plan was flawed but he still thought around it and saved the day while she was just getting to him.
Then in 0.4, his brutal and clever fighting in the Vaults shows him landing serious blows, yes to unskilled fighters but that doesn't stop him from beating them to a unconsciousness.

“I get scared, too,” he murmured onto her skin. “You want to hear something ridiculous? Whenever I’m scared out of my wits, I tell myself: My name is Sam Cortland … and I will not be afraid. I’ve been doing it for years.”

Then there's the side of him that's soft and sweet around Celaena. When he first admits his feelings, the way he just wants to be with her. It's even quoted from the book that she bloody SWOONS (though she'd never tell him that). He definitely has a temper and he can be wreckless where Celaena can manage to hold her head but in the times we see this, it's been in the name of her. The tension around them is due to the strain and pressure that they face when they find themselves driven to manage on their own; they only want to be together and not have to look back.

"You look beautiful. Though I bet you already know that."

They just get along so well and still manage to get at each other's throats. They've known each other for as long as they've been training under Arobynn so there is that element of growing up together. It seems they have this bond already there from over the years, they know a lot about each other, even though it was a hate relationship.

“She just prayed Sam wouldn’t get hurt. In the silence of her bedroom, she swore an oath to the moonlight that if Sam were hurt, no force in the world would hold her back from slaughtering everyone responsible.”

In QoS, Aelin avenges Sam's death. From several scenes we can take that she loved him and the depth of her feelings for him are still there. To still see the sincerity and pain from losing him in QoS it certainly conveys how deep her feelings are and were for him.

“Embracing Sam was different, somehow. Like she wanted to curl into his warmth, like for one moment, she didn't have to worry about anything or anybody.”

Even though they spent most of their childhood years 'hating' each other, it all changes fairly rapidly, in terms of signs. It takes those few months for them to develop yes, but from the second chapter in of 0.1, Celaena already notes Sam's handsome face and throughout this first novella there are multiple signs of her drawing towards him.
It could just be maturity. By 0.5, she admits and is taken aback herself by how blind she was to him for so long.

“I miss you,” she said. “Every day, I miss you. And I wonder what you would have made of all this. Made of me. I think — I think you would have been a wonderful king. I think they would have liked you more than me, actually.” Her throat tightened. “I never told you — how I felt. But I loved you, and I think a part of me might always love you. Maybe you were my mate, and I never knew it. Maybe I’ll spend the rest of my life wondering about that. Maybe I’ll see you again in the Afterworld, and then I’ll know for sure. But until then …until then I’ll miss you, and I’ll wish you were here.”

This quote from QoS says a lot so I'm putting it in. Sam and Celaena are eternal in my eyes because they are unfinished. He will always have a place in her heart.


Never Say Never.

“The girl who'd taken on a Pirate Lord and his entire island, the girl who'd stolen Asterion horses and raced along the beach in the Red Desert, the girl who'd sat on her own rooftop, watching the sun rise over Avery, the girl who'd felt alive with possibility...that girl was gone.”

Read this quote and let your stomach drop and the tears come because that is the reality of how much Sam Cortland effects all.

“You’re a damned idiot,” she breathed grabbing the front of his tunic. “You’re a moron and an ass and a damned idiot. He looked like she had hit him. But she went on, and grasped both sides of his face. “Because I’d pick you.”

She would I think. Every time.

Sam. Cortland. <3 <3 <3