A review by eantoinette285
The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon


As I'm sure I'll state every time, I adore this series. Even though this particular installment moved slower for me than the others, (hey, it had to happen sometime), it was not without its own thrills.

Keep in mind, when you read Diana's books, they are extremely detailed. Every word and punctuation mark is thoroughly researched and thought out, so when you fall into this world, you are thoroughly invested. That being said, heading into book six, these books have consumed me mind, body, and soul.

The birth of talk and ideas leading to the American Revolution are stirring, and Claire and Jamie find themselves in the middle of it along with their children and grandchildren. There's also a thieving, murdering pirate on the loose, an aunt with secrets, murder, the return of beloved characters, and much more.

Though most of this book discusses the day-to-day of life on Fraser's Ridge, there is plenty more to be offered. Several people have stated that this book drags on and is quite boring. I can see their points, but for me, it just made it more real. Diana tells a fantastic story that includes the extraordinary, but also dabbles in everyday living. Not all eight books are going to be packed to the gills with non-stop drama, and I'm fine with that. I do enjoy the time I get with Brianna and Roger or Claire and Jamie when they get to just be together at the end of the day and discuss their lives. That's what keeps me coming back to these stories and so eager to begin the next.