A review by themoonwholistens
From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata


this jump started my hope in love again and what better reason to love a romance book?

This is for when you want a slow burn enemies to frenemies to friends to best friends to lovers romance between two ice skaters wherein they need to work together and they actually become each other's best friends. And really most of the reason for the 5 stars is because of how well-written I think the best friend to lovers aspect ended up being.

The romance was so sweet and wholesome that I melted, was shaken, and then put back together. But even then, what sold me was how Zapata was able demonstrate the struggles of athletes and the Jas’ fight even just to stay motivated. All the small details that played into that were really well done in my opinion.

“I’m not going to give up what I love just because I might not have it forever,“

Nothing warms my heart more than seeing people become best friends first before they fall in love and I enjoyed my time reading this a little too much. I don't know why it seems so rare to find well-written best friends to lovers dynamics and maybe that's why I ended up loving this more despite some things that irked me. (And the fact that this was a sports romance)

i don't think its the most perfectly written of books but i loved so many more things that it overshadowed the parts that i did not. i should also advise you on how there are some questionable lines that normally you should raise a red flag against if you encounter it in real life... just saying. I was pleasantly surprised that she had a learning disability since I feel like we don't see that as much and though i can't talk about the accuracy of it, it was nice to see how it played out in the story. there is some small filipino rep but it felt more like an after-thought. Though, the camaraderie that grows between the two main characters and role of the families involved added a lot to how invested i ended up being in the story overall.

*stands and slams hands on the table* i love them so much

i need more sports romances like this (pls rec me some). sports stories are turning into my weakness.

— 4.75 —
content warnings// Bullying, Fatphobia, Misogyny, Sexual harassment, Sexually explicit scenes, Stalking
representation: Filipino-American main character, Wlw side character, Mlm side character

marking this for the next time i am in the mood for a slow burn romance wherein two people who hate each other have to work together kind of trope