A review by jesssireads
The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski


"She thought about Arin's expression when she'd asked if he would teach her how to forge a ring for him, and the whole conversation glowed within her like one of those fireflies. Watching them, you'd almost think that a firefly winks out of existence, then it comes to life, vanishes again, returns. That when it's not lit, it's not there at all. But it is.

Okay, wow this book was such a ride. I'm so so so sad that it is over and I don't know what to do with myself because I love Kestral, Arin, Roshur & I need more of them!

To sum up my thoughts, I knew that little tidbit about Roshur, I'm so happy to see that it was true and second, this is one of my favorite ends to a series that I've read. It was perfect and Roshur is a gem.