A review by aandromeda
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman


Best book I've ever read?...Maybe?

This book was nothing like I thought it'd be. To be honest, I went in with no expectations, the only books I'd read before by Gaiman being Coraline and The Sleeper and the Spindle, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed. As I was two for two with Gaiman, I just dove right into the third. Now I do wish I had some sort of knowledge prior to reading this, like the fact that this is a retelling of the Jungle Book, for example, because this was a wild ride and it took me by surprise, which is why I said "maybe" at the beginning of this review.

This book takes place over the span of about 15 years, which played along beautifully with me reading a chapter a night. I have nothing else to add to that.

The writing is great, the story is great, the characters are great, the setting is great, there is just nothing about this book I can say I dislike, even a little bit. I'm starting to find that I can always find something I don't like about a book these days, and I've been growing tired of it. The Graveyard Book is perfect for people of all ages who want to get out of a reading slump, or who just want a good book to read.