A review by wyntrchylde
Avengers Assemble by Jason Aaron


Avengers Assemble
Author: Aaron, Garron, Kuder, Farmer
Publisher: Marvel
Publishing Date: 2023
Pgs: 268

Why this book:
Because it finishes Aaron’s run on the book and it’s all connected.

Also, I’m chasing a feeling. When I read comics, I want that moment, that second, that image, that scene that gives me that feeling of wonder. Too many comics don’t have that, or hide it at the end of 11 issues of filler. Aaron and company are pretty good at giving that moment to their work. Some misfires along the way in their run, but when they hit it, they hit it well.
The Feel:
Hmm…suspect I know who Avenger Prime is. But you know how assumptions go.

Plot Holes/Out of Character:
There’s a pretty damned big hole here. We’ve got everybody, but it seems like we’re missing two foundational Avengers who should be part of this show since they are at the end of all things…beginning of all things…you know what I mean. Though I guess the Red Hulk Starbrand who sacrificed it all was a good stand-in for Hulk. But no Wasp???

All of those Dooms would never follow another Doom. It goes against everything in his nature, multiversal variants or not. Doom is Doom.

Favorite Scene:
The hammer rain…holy crap.

Question: Really? Response: Look who's talking, Bub. …that’s awesome.

The Avengers Prime reveal. That’s good stuff, even if I did expect it.

When you eliminate the Avengers, who is going to fight all the other bad guys that the Avengers fight? Great image.

The Steve and Steve issue, not what I expected. Aaron and company have gotten pretty good at dropping that on me.

Cover and Interior Art:
The art is incredible throughout. Very well done.

Odin as belligerent dickhead, nail on the head there, in seemingly every incarnation.

Tony fighting his father has become a trope over the years. It’s well done here. But still.

The Unexpected:
First, the expected, Doom not even being there. The unexpected, Doom riding a Doombot-enslaved version of Ego off to attack his true target. Knew there was no way that he was all in on Mephisto and was just waiting for his chance to do his double heel turn and be the Doom that Doom is supposed to be. …I know that’s a lotta doom. In my defense, it is the only word on this page…9 times. And still well done. …correction, they aren’t all Doombots, they’re all Dooms from other timelines, variants.
Last Page Sound:
Good stuff.

Questions I’m Left With:
Wonder if we’ll ever see that Avengers team that Avenger Prime gathered who didn’t have multiversal homes to go back to?