A review by sketch112
Shaken: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life's Storms by Tim Tebow


I commend Tebow for his attempt to spread positivity and light into the world. The trials of his life had all the makings of creating a truly inspirational book, but for me, his storytelling just fell flat. Tebow has been through a lot in his career, but throughout the book he never seems to truly hit rock bottom. Stating that you were sad and discouraged doesn't provide a layered, complex, or relatable narrative. He never seemed to lose faith, even momentarily, which did not come across as believable. The book just skims the surface level of all his emotions without digging deeper to express true pain and despair. Every chapter had the same bland message: "I went through struggles. I held onto my faith. Everything is good"...If he was willing to write an entire book about how he was "Shaken", I think he owes it to himself (& the reader) to be truly vulnerable. Unfortunately his lack of vulnerability and his inability to express his desired theme in a more subtle or mature manner, makes the writing, & thus the message, seem vapid.