A review by pagesplotsandpints
Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi


Initial Impressions 7/11/12: At first, I was definitely interested in the story, but didn't see what all the fuss was about. Slowly but surely, I got more and more sucked in and I loved seeing the romance between Aria and Perry develop, as well as seeing Aria grow as a person. It was a great story, very creative, and I love how the two worlds clashed and combined between technology and primitive. Excellent writing, and I loved it!

Full review originally posted on The Book Addict's Guide: Yes! Wow. Okay. So my reaction first: In the beginning I was like, la la la la, this is a nice story, I'm interested. I was very interested in this new high-tech and extremely advanced yet sheltered world that Rossi had created. Right away I noticed that she had a really unique and very colorful way of describing things, but delicately enough that I didn't get overwhelmed with "over descriptions" as I often do when learning about a new world. Everything seemed very effortless and natural.

I really enjoyed Aria and Perry as our main characters (the book alternates between each person's point-of-view although the whole book is told in the third person). It was more noticeable to see the growth in Aria's character. As intended, by the end of the book, she's blossomed into a completely different character, full of strength and talents that she never knew she possessed. Perry also showed a lot of growth, but his was more of an emotional growth than a personal improvement like Aria's. We see Perry figure out how to love through his experiences with Aria, we see his patience grow and he opens up a lot.

I really loved watching the relationship between Aria and Perry grow! It was definitely not insta-love. It took time and each of them slowly tested the waters before they both felt comfortable enough to dive into the relationship and really express how they felt towards each other. By the end, I was totally wrapped up in it and I felt the heartbreak when they felt the heartbreak. Rossi did an excellent job of creating this romance!

I think one thing that may be understated here is the supporting characters. I absolutely loved Roar. I would love to see more of him in future books! He says the things that Perry cannot say around Aria. He's more outgoing and brings a nice tone of humor while Perry's character is more serious. I also really liked Cinder. He plays a really key role in the book even though he seems like a small character. Deep down you see how he really just wants to do good and ultimately finds a way to do so in the end.

As I progressed through the book, I just got more and more into it. I'd say once the romance really started blossoming, I started really falling for the book. Before then I was enjoying it a lot, but that was what sealed the deal for me. Then finally in the end where we get a lot of action, some major twists, and even more relationship development, I was sold. I loved it!