A review by burntotears
The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley

Did not finish book. Stopped at 65%.
 Here's my problem with this--it's written like a fanfiction. I say this because it is extremely choppy and disjointed. You're getting these small windows into daily life for these characters, but nothing particularly meaningful. It makes you want to care for them, but it's hard when you don't get a true sense of who they are through this.

In fanfiction this is commonly used (and it works) because you already know the essence of these characters and are only trying to tell the story itself. As a novel, though, it doesn't work because we have no idea who these characters <i>are</i> and these tiny snippets of dialogue and story meat don't actually give us enough to work with. Even the flashbacks for Graham aren't all that insightful, if I'm honest.

There's also a huge problem with the way this is narrated on audiobook which makes it feel even <i>more</i> choppy. There are these long, unnecessary pauses between sentences and dialogue that make me think the tape stopped rolling. It's only adding to the feeling that not enough of this story really exists.

I can say that after about 65% of the way through, there's not enough there for me to care to continue. I am not that invested in the characters and the choppy narrative is not going to convince me that there's more to be had.