A review by bookflowerpath
Naked Edge by Pamela Clare


Naked Edge to me is more raw, elemental and spiritual as it shows Kat's Navajo traditions and beliefs. It was so very different from the other books, but still very compelling and involving!

This book was so culturally rich that I felt like I was learning along with Gabe as she explained her beliefs and traditions. I felt like it went beyond the superficial customs and delved beneath the surface into the why of their traditions. Instead, it's about her spiritual connection to the earth and nature around her, as well as her Navajo traditions.
Not only was this a perfect way to move the plot along, but it made Kat more real to me. You could sense that she cares about her faith. Even though she lives in Denver, she's still a reservation girl.
Gabe's problems are nothing new in Romancelandia, but they're portrayed well and realistically. One thing I liked about the book was the distinct difference in tone between Kat's and Gabe's points of view in the narrative. People are well characterized when you can tell whose perspective is being told just by the writing, word choice, and syntax, and that was the case here. I was a bit annoyed by the paragraph breaks between POVs, but both Gabe and Kat had strong voices throughout the narrative.

Gabriel Rossiter was the star in this book! Clare manages to make me love each of her characters, especially her heroes. But for some reason, I felt that Gabe's POV stood out among the others. I LOVED reading into his thoughts. How he longed for Kat, how he struggled with his feelings for her, how feelings of sadness and anger for Jill fluctuated with each other. All of this made me love him even more! To me, Gabe represented the ultimate alpha with his protectiveness. But there was one more thing that made me love him so much... it was the fact that throughout the whole thing, he never made promises he couldn't keep. He never told Kat about his feelings. He let her know what he could and couldn't give her without revealing the secrets of his past. I've to respect that.

Gabe and Kat had a solid relationship that felt completely genuine and natural. The book really pulled me in and I enjoyed the emotional journey the story took me on with the characters.

Clare puts so much heart into her little books. She manages to make me laugh and cry in equal measure, making each book a roller coaster ride of emotions.
Naked Edge is no exception.