A review by authorbrookeriley
The Thing with Feathers by McCall Hoyle


So many emotions with this one, I don't know where to begin.

From the poetic words of Emily Dickinson to the poetic prose of Mrs. Hoyle, this book really swept me away in such a short amount of time.

This book is not intense or super suspenseful where you don't know what's coming. In fact, it might be too predictable for some. But that's actually what I liked about it. It wasn't something that left me feeling too pumped up or scrambling for the next chapter. Don't get me wrong, this thing was hard to set down. It was a fluff read, something you read to get all the feels.

The main character has epilepsy, which is a main theme through the entire book. It isn't a stated fact brushed aside, swept away in the current of romance and other things. It is the main theme, weaving its way through everything else.

Emilie's life has been hard on her and for a long time, she wallows in self-pity.

Chatham is a cinnamon roll. I will add him to my cinnamon roll list.

Hitch is the best book dog I have read thus far.

The storyline is complex and I love it for it's intricate, yet subtle details.

I love how there were more thoughts in Emilee's head and we got to experience life as she does.

I loved this book.

Five stars.