A review by bookgirl_71
The Forgotten Girls by Sara Blaedel


This took entirely too long to read, but that’s the life of a wrestling mom during season.

I absolutely loved this book! The Forgotten Girls is the first of a trilogy within a series. But at no time did I feel lost or confused without reading the books that came before. Sara gives enough background on the protagonist, Louise Rick so I felt like I wasn’t missing anything vital.

I thought the mystery was solid and developed slowly. There was definitely some creep value, which I loved. The writing flowed very smoothly for a translated book. I really enjoyed the two main characters, detectives Louise (the lead officer on a newly created Missing Persons task force with the Danish police) and Eik, and I was completely engrossed from beginning to end.

I will definitely be reading the rest of the series. Sara Blaedel has found a forever fan. I highly recommend.