A review by katreader
Death on the Menu by Lucy Burdette


DEATH ON THE MENU by Lucy Burdette
The Eighth Key West Food Critic Mystery

Key West is abuzz with excitement as the Harry S. Truman Little White House hosts a Havana/Key West Conference. Hayley Snow is thrilled to help her mom whose newly founded catering company was chosen to cater the event. Unfortunately, the buzz is not all positive and the island is on high alert with increased security. Hayley is determined to help her mom succeed despite warnings from her boyfriend, Detective Nathan Bransford to stay away from the conference. As the conference begins tensions that are already running high spike when Ernest Hemingway's Nobel Prize medal goes missing. Will the delicious food calm the crowd or is death on the menu?

I'm delighted to be back in Key West. Lucy Burdette's evocative prose makes me feel that I am actually on the key and part of the action. I can sense the tension, feel the ocean air, and see the sights. If only I could taste the food!

In DEATH ON THE MENU Lucy Burdette looks into the difficult reality of US relations with Cuba, illustrating various opinions and beliefs without judgement. The cultural and political issues are a part of the mystery and add substance to the plot without detracting from it. The other prime component that truly adds depth is character development and relationships. As the series progresses we see the characters change and grow. This eighth Key West Food Critic has Hayley pursuing serious introspection as she tries to mirror her own relationship to those of her family and friends.

DEATH ON THE MENU is a delicious addition to the Key West Food Critic Mystery series filled with cultural relevance and delectable food.

FTC Disclosure – The publisher sent me a digital ARC provided through NetGalley, in the hopes I would review it.