A review by the_ya_assassin
A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas


I enjoy ACOFAS very much, but it's definitely not my favorite in the series.

What I loved about it:
1. It gives us multiple POVs to see Velaris from everyone's standpoint (pretty much)
2. Allows us to see the Inner Circle without major problems - I LOVE to see them being able to just relax and be themselves (for a few days)
3. Solstice banter = *chef's kiss*
4. The sweet Feysand moments (NOT the you-know-what ones)
5. Cassian acting like Feyre's big brother and their banter
6. "Angry snowball" Amren
7. "Overbearing mother hen" Rhys
8. Amren & Mor scene on page 109 = LOL
9. Feyre's gift to Rhys was the painting of what she saw in the Ouroboros!!!
10. Elain's headache medicine to Azriel was LOL
11. Feyre's dresses were made by Rhys's mom!!!
12. Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel snowball fight is EPIC!
13. Feyre's thoughts got Rhys kicked out of the sweat room! LOL
14. Feyre had a good birthday!

What I didn't like:
1. I kinda felt that there was too much "mate" in it if you know what I mean. Like I feel Maas could've turned it down a little and not force it upon us, reminding us every other page that Rhys + Feyre are mates.
2. Too little of Nessian (presumably because ACOSF is about them)
3. I wish she had addressed some of their plans for the problems that arose after the war with Hybern
4. I'm SAD to see Feyre & Rhys go (as in, their story is over pretty much, besides their boy)!
5. Fae moon cycles sound even more painful than ours! Oof. I feel bad for Feyre and the rest of the girls.
6. Nesta's depression - What caused it? I feel depressed now as well after reading it.

There are a lot of questions I have as well:
1. Is Emerie from the Illyrian camp going to have a part in ACOSF?
2. When will Mor take her revenge on her father and Eris (maybe in ACOSF)?
3. Ramiel, the sacred mountain, and the Illyrian Blood Rite - will that occur in ACOSF?
4. Dissent in Illyrian legions? Is Nesta going to help with stopping them in ACOSF?
5. Human queens having a role in ACOSF?
6. Bryaxis - where did it disappear to? Will it reappear in ACOSF?
7. When is Mor going to be truthful about her preferred lovers' gender?
8. How does Amren make Nesta smile?
9. Why does Nesta push Cassian away?
10. Will Mor visit Athelwood more often?
11. Will we see Feysand's new home by the Sidra?
12. We know Feyre manages to get pregnant, but when?!?!?
13. How will Vassa, Jurian, and Lucien play into the following books?

Theories for ACOSF and future ACO. . . books :
1. Elain will end up with Azriel (my end-game)
2. Eris is Nesta's mate
3. Someone is going to die

Nesta & Cassian in ACOSF is going to be . . . interesting.