A review by kiwie
Agents of Light and Darkness by Simon R. Green


As quick and easy as the first, but my two major annoyances from the first book (way too much repetition of little useless facts, and that I was always painfully aware that we were being introduced to the world and the next books and thus felt like the mystery it was centered around was just a sub-plot) have been majorly toned down. Yes, the descriptions and character introductions are still the same, and by now I really am aware that John doesn't carry a gun because he doesn't need one, you don't really need to explain that to me or the other characters all the time. Once for new readers is more than enough thank you very much. Still it was much worse in the first book, and just by being the second book we don't get as much of a "set up" of the world & future series. It just builds on what we already know.

It is, like the first one, a hunt for a missing object that takes John and Suzie through various Nightside locations, waving their weapons and powers about trying to shake answers out of people and not get caught by some bigger players. It's fun, some of the characters that we meet (and haven't met before) are creative etc. John is still fairly flat as a character, but we learn more about his past (nobody wants to tell him about his mum though, she's just this scary thing everyone seems to want to forget ever existed) and get hints about what is to come (sort of, it is rumor based so it doesn't have to lead anywhere, could just be red-herrings, but seeing as we get so little information I doubt it). Suzie Shooter gets a lot revealed about her as well, and I like this better than with John. I don't know why, probably because everything that is revealed she needs to tell us (or we are shown through a vision-situation where John goes into her head to fish her out of fear) and thus it doesn't feel as "flat" as it does when John serves us info about himself. I feel like his personality traits are just statements, rather than actual traits (even though he does act as he says he does). I can't really put my finger on why he doesn't work that well for me.

Still: Fun, fast & satisfying!