A review by karlijnmerle
Freeing by E.K. Blair


This book guys, this book...

"In the end there doesn't
have to be anyone who
understands you...
There just has to be someone
who wants to"

Why it is one of my favorites?
- Jase
- Mark
- The love between Jase and Mark.
- Candance
- How Jase slowly starts to believe that he deserves love.
- How Mark is totally cool with Jase and Candance.
- How Mark trust Jase with all his heart, how he never runs away from Jase and keeps supporting him.
- Jase's slowly transformation from a guy who believe he don't deserves love to a guy who gives himself full to Mark.
- Mark's family
- How Jase and Mark will do everything for Candance. From holding her in bed, give her hugs and polish her nails.
- The desperation of Jase because he want Mark so bad, but can't let his past go.
- Jase's dream and his talk with his sister in it.

"Fighting to be free. But now I realize, it isn't about fighting.It's letting go of the fight to see that what I've been searching for is within him. Mark is my freeing."