A review by readingrobyn
The Secret World of Og by Pierre Berton


When I first came across this book it was because my teacher had chosen it for story time, this of course was over six years ago. The Secret World of Og was the first book I ever really fell in love with, but as all things go I eventually moved on and promptly forgot about Og. Years and years pass as I desperately try to remember the books title, author, anything that would help me rediscover it, having forgotten (as most children do) the very details that would be required for locating it. Only till today thinking about my own writing I magically typed "Og" into a Google search and there it was. I hope someday to finally reunite with the one book that became more then just a book for me and start the journey all over again. (Then maybe write an actual review instead of this mess of childhood nostalgia. I'm very sorry.)

Shall I never forget again!