A review by jane_kelsey
Raven by Suzy Turner


Wrist-cutting, jaw-breaking, eye-pocking book! I don't know if it's the worst book ever or just a very god candidate for the position. She tried, we can see that, it's in plain sight, but it's just soooo not working. Okay, let me explain.

This Lilly is obviously shy and unusually good as a person with qualities that would make me puke even from the start. She doesn't know anything about family live, her mother and father being close to non-existent until they disappear! Ram-pam-pam! And here I was hoping that something good was gonna happen. No, wrong! She leaves her flat in London, after living with two old spinsters and she dies her hair and chops her clothes, and arrives in Canada in a very loving environment. And there must be a secret! Sure, we know the recipe. Sooooo, after dreaming and sulking and whateves, she meets this cool, hot guy, who's 17 and they hook up even if she's just... 13! yup, you got that right! Damn, jail bait for the poor boy.

Then she sleepwalks, smth happens, they broke up and we don't even hear from him again... ???? why???? I hoped 'till the end smth will happen. nope. again.

So what does happen next? She transforms, not in a Raven (Then why the title? can someone explain plsss?), but in a cat she goes to the elders with her grandfather where she's attacked by her wicked stepmother. I know i don't make a lot of sense, but the book isn't helping.

I waited more than 150 pages for smth to happen and then i wanted to finish it just because i wanted to see how bad could it be. Very!

The writing sucked, the story sucked.... Another twilight fan writing another Twilight-wannabe book! *facepalm*

good points: The cover! oh, i loved the cover. And the first few pages were pretty good too, I thought it was a gem but I was fooled. not the first time :/