A review by brimelick
It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey


Where can I get a King Crab fishing boat captain built like Branden Taggert? Cause HOT DAMN?

This book is a perfect example of a book I don't think I would ever pick up unless it were with a book club. I decided to use months of audiobook hours for Spotify for this, and my one mistake was listening to this on my way to and from work cause you should not be operating heavy machinery when listening to some of these chapters. Piper is the perfect mix of a ditsy rich girl from LA with a good heart. She was irritating to me for most of the beginning until she started to use the opportunity she had in Westport. Everyone needs a sister like Hannah; this duo could end world hunger if they set their mind to it. When Piper offered to walk Abe to the museum every day, I started to like her, then became her biggest fan when she stayed with him when he fell, knowing she would be late to see Branden off, knowing it could be detrimental to their relationship. I want nothing but the best for them and am primarily listening to the next book not only cause I love Hannah and Fox and want to see more lovesick Branden.