A review by scribepub
Digital vs Human: how we'll live, love, and think in the future by Richard Watson

Richard Watson doesn’t write like your average futurist. He’s interested in people, not machines, and so his analysis of the way our world is changing has a very human and accessible quality. Most futurists seek to sell you a vision of the future, but Richard’s there to help show you the way.
Antony Funnell, Presenter of Future Tense

With Digital vs Human Richard Watson has put himself at the vanguard of a new movement of progressive thinkers. This is a fascinating book — at once enthusiastic about the opportunities of the future and sceptical of the blind faith which fails to ask an all important question: where, exactly, are the lights of progress leading us?
Luke O’Sullivan, Editor of Quadrapheme

A remarkable and important book, which examines our possible futures with great humanity and a clear eye. This is a book that everyone should read.
Lavie Tidhar, Author of A Man Lies Dreaming

Truly persuasive.
Professor Susan Greenfield, Author of Mind Change

Incisive … the ideas he assembles are tantalising.
Jules Goddard, Fellow, London Business School

A well-argued salvo in a social dialogue that needs to be constant, because the future is already here.
Drew Turney, Cosmos

A highly readable, witty and wise book, richly informative, sharply critical but balanced, an excellent investigation of the achievements and predictions of digital technology.
Theodore Zeldin, Author of The Hidden Pleasures of Life