A review by english_lady03
The House at the End of the Moor by Michelle Griep


This standalone read from Michelle Griep combines some elements from her previous novels into an enjoyable and engaging Victorian novel. There's a few elements of a Gothic mystery, with a woman living nearly alone in a House near the moors in Devon who finds a mysterious man injured one morning.

There's a dark and menacing lawman, so intent on punishing criminals that he's prepared to resort to the criminal himself, disguise and intrigue galore.

It goes from being Gothic to more of a traditional romance halfway through, but not without some hilarious antics (the hero dressing as a woman) and danger.

There were a few of the inevitable Americanisms, but overall I liked this. I felt there was a good sense of place in the scenes set in Devon especially. The bleakness of the landscape, beautiful but disguising deadly bogs and marshes lends itself well to the creative.

Thanks to Barbour for a PDF from Netgalley, I was not required to write a positive review, and bought the Ebook myself on sale. All opinions expressed are my own.