A review by morgan_blackledge
The Thirteenth Step: Addiction in the Age of Brain Science by Markus Heilig


I haven't posted a review in a (long) while because I was studying for my LMFT licensure exam, which I passed (BTW), and now I'm working on a PsyD (it's like a PhD for therapists, so it's like, ummmmm, how do you say ummmmm, easier?).

So any way, I'm really fuckin' busy and I don't really feel like writing when I'm not busy (which is like never). I'm not bragging or complaining. Life is good, but not awesomely so. This is just a roundabout way of saying that this book (The Thirteenth Step) is so good that I felt compelled to write this lame AF review.

If you're jonesing for a good book on the science of addiction written by a real addiction researcher, for the regular guy/gal, than look no farther, here it is.

For those of you 12-Steppers out there. This is an unfortunate title, and it's not about what you are thinking it's about. For those of you who are not familiar with 12-Step vernacular, the 13th step is to have sex with another person in 12-Step (usually a new-comer, ewww).

Anyway. It's about science. Sorry about that. I know how you 12-Step guys hate science (ohhhhhhh disss).

Sorry. That's all I have. I'm going to go eat carbs and take a nap now. Read this book.