A review by cinzia
Fierce Fairytales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul by Nikita Gill



Ohhhhh no. Deary me, this was quite awful. 

Pretty words, yes, but very lazily compiled. As someone who has done in-depth research into a lot of the female characters employed in this poetry compendium, it was very clear that the author didn’t even read the primary texts these characters came from. They replied solely on their superficial and surface level understanding and literary history of these characters, probably collated from Disney films or other mass-made reception material, and then wrote them into a painfully repetitive aggressive girl power, misandristic narrative because that’s what feminism is, right?!

It was poor. There was no research done. No poetic composition. I would bet good money every one of these poems are first drafts and never touched again. The first few poems were soo overdone — at first I thought I was reading my own poetry from when I was sixteen because I wrote about the exact same topic in the exact same way. 

It wasn’t compiled without any thought or poetic craft. The figures weren’t researched in the slightest, they were merely exploited to peddle some easy to shill marketable feminism that became outdated back in the early noughties. There was no consider for their literary historicity or place with feminist history either. Shame such a wonderful front cover illustration was wasted on this collection.