A review by lydthelidreads
Worthy of the Raven: Stalked by Darkness by Y.L. Zamora


You absolutely NEED to read this book! I could not put it down.

It does deal with some dark topics, so definitely check the trigger warning before picking it up, however I think the author handle the issues well, but she definitely doesn’t pull punches with this book either.

I’m going to try my best to keep this review spoiler free, so I can try to convince as many people as possible to read it.

First let me just say, I’m completely heart broken from the ending. I didn’t see it coming and I wasn’t prepared!

It’s pretty heavy fantasy, but I don’t feel it’s hard to follow, everything is explained well and there wasn’t a point that I felt lost or that things were being explained too quickly, it builds up well and slowly. That being said the book does start slow paced and pick up a faster pace near the end, however at no point did it lose my interest or feel too slow. The world is so immersive, it’s beautiful and horrible, from peaceful olive fields to active battlefields I never wanted to leave it.

the romance is absolutely top notch and the “spice” scenes are perfection. There is a good bit of “spice” towards the end, so if that’s not your kind of thing this may not be for you, but I personally believe it was built up well. Also, if you love tall strong men saying “good girl”, you’re in for a treat with this one. I absolutely love that we got poly representation too, I feel like we don’t get that often enough in fantasy books and it was done so well in my opinion.

The characters are all unique and complex, very few feel like throw away characters, the “bad guys” will genially get you so frustrated and the satisfaction of seeing them get justice served to them is immense. The main character is so easy to fall in love with and relate to. At no point was I able to pick a favorite “love interest” either, the brothers are perfect, their flaws and strengths complement each other perfectly and the author uses it so well.

The magic system was slightly confusing to me, but I feel like that’s because it was introduced more towards the end, so we’ll likely learn more about it as our main character gets to explore it more in the next book.

TLDR: this book is absolutely amazing, thick plot and world, perfect for fantasy readers who love dark romance.