A review by readwithtanyab
When It's Real by Erin Watt


***This book review may contain spoilers.***

It was a cliche book. Was it fun to read? Yes. Guilty pleasure? Sure. It had me giggling at some parts. If you don't like cliches, then this isn't the book for you, I'll tell you that.

It's about this girl named Vaughan who is hired to be Oakley Ford's girlfriend. He's a Justin Bieber type of celebrity. Reminded me of the tv show, "The Arrangement." Again, I just want to point out that I don't rate on repetitiveness, originality/clicheness etc. I rate on my actual enjoyment of the book and what I liked and disliked about it. And what I disliked about this book was Oakley Ford.

Don't get me wrong. Vaughan's "real" boyfriend was a tool, but I thought that Oakley was just as well. He was never redeemed in my eyes. I don't understand why. The author definitely wrote the story to make it that way. I just did not like him. And because I did not like such a main and pivotal character of the story, it really brought my rating down from a 4 to a 3. I've disliked many characters and still given a book a 5, but shooooooot...Oakley annoyed me to no end.

Vaughan was an alright main character. She was Oakley's moral compass if you will. But do I think she was anything special? Do I think if they chose some rando that wasn't Vaughan, the story line could have still been the same? Why is it that every time the person who gets chosen could care less about the celebrity? I'm just saying.

Overall, the story was heart-warming and gushy and giddy and don't mind my ramblings. I'm still annoyed about Oakley. That's how bad he's stuck with me.

My Star Rating:3 out of 5 Stars