A review by catari
Predator's Gold by Philip Reeve


Listen, I very much enjoy this story and am already attached to the characters. SPOILERS SPRINKLED HERE AND THERE, BEWARE.

/rant ON But I could live without Jon's Yeah Hesta is ugly, but... and the same explective from EVERYONE. Is it really necessary? What more could we say about such a rich character, with such a moving backstory, who overcomes A LOT in her past AND her present? The solution is to call her UGLY to her face and her back? Even by her BOYFRIEND?

Also, WHY is Jon such a pushover? Grow a spine, dear.

Freya is a product of her upbringing and did A LOT of growing throughout the book. You should learn a thing or two from her, Jon.

Pennyroyal was an interesting character, absolutely one we love to hate.

/rant OFF

Although some could say this story dragged, I rather think it took its sweet time to pace a lot of stuff and bring us to book 3. Many things happened, and I needed the time between them to digest properly. I mean, the Jenny Haniver being stolen? Hesta acting as a scorned woman? Caul almost dying? STALKER FANG???

Severely disturbing, though, is Hesta getting pregnant at the age of fifteen. Well, if you don't mind Paul and the girl from Dune, this won't be a problem.

Sorry if I got some of the names wrong, I listened to it.