A review by maraya21
Spellslinger by Sebastien de Castell


June BotM² at the MacHalos

#2. Shadowblack ★★★★

‘You’re free, kid.’ When I didn’t move, he started making a waving motion with one paw. ‘Go on, little bird. Fly away. Fly away now.’
Squirrel cats, it turns out, are sarcastic assholes.


It took me a while to form the correct somatic shapes to cast a review and I can finally say that I failed spectacularly so this is nothing that resembles a review. Not even close. :D

Not much to say that hasn't already been said. I'm just gonna add this: YA done fucking right for a change! Woop woop!

P.S.: I want a few Squirrel cats for me awesome self :D