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A review by jessica42980
All the Impossible Things by Lindsay Lackey


All my reviews can be found at:
This review will appear on my site on July 7, 2021.
All the Impossible Things just did not work for me. I did not connect with Red, so that was that for me.  And I am not a fantasy reader, so I think the magical ability just didn’t work for me. I did know about Red’s ability before reading, and had a couple of friends who read this novel and loved it so I gave it a shot despite knowing it might not be for me. 

Red is in foster care and goes from home to home.  She is just waiting for her mother to be released from prison so she can be reunited with her: she even has a countdown. Red is moved to another foster family who run a petting zoo, which provides a different sort of environment and adventures all on their own.   

The ending is a bit realistic and I enjoyed it.  Red finally found where she needed to be. 

It may be that the audiobook is not the best format for this novel as one of my friends said she tried the audio and stopped it and ended up reading it and enjoyed it. Maybe this will be a book I give another chance to and pick up and actually read it. Maybe then I will love it. It is a pity as the cover is gorgeous!

**A few days after I wrote this review previously mentioned friend (Beccie) mailed me a copy of this book! She was the one who tried the audiobook and DNF’d is that way, but picked up a physical copy and loved it.  Hopefully I will have the same reaction to it with another read!**