A review by heresthepencil
Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics by Marc Lamont Hill, Mitchell Plitnick



 gives a much needed context for the us’ role in the current situation in occupied palestine. definitely requires the reader to have at least a base-level knowledge of the events after the nakba, though, so i wouldn’t say it’s a good starting point for someone to start educating themselves. but more than a history book, it’s one about how american politics allowed (and has been allowing) the tragedy in palestine to unfold. i see people in their reviews saying it’s biased, because it does put the blame where it belongs and names as victims those who deserve that name. but i’m not sure how you can call a book where basically every fact pointed out has a footnote, a subjective one. (well i do know, it’s easy when you’re a zionist and said facts are uncomfortable for you.)

language-wise, it’s very much an academic book, not the easiest to parse though for someone not used to that. but it’s also pretty repetitive.