A review by bostongirlontherun
The Great Transition by Nick Fuller Googins


A utopian story, based in the near future, after a world changing climate crisis. Told from 2 points of view. One, the point of view of Larch, a Dad, who lived through the challenging times of "The Great Transition". The other view, his daughter Emi, who was born after the crisis. We learn about life during the crisis from Larch but also through interviews Emi had with her mother for a school project.

This small family was at the core of this story, but there was also a political element. Given the state the world is in currently, I found this story very interesting and somewhat alarming. It does kind of pose the question of who is responsible for stopping climate change and are we responsible for the world we leave for future generations.

The story was a little repetitive in parts which, at times, made it a little boring, but at its core it was well written and certainly felt like something that could potentially happen one day soon.

Thank You NetGalley and Atria Book for the free e-galley.