A review by beckiebookworm1974
A Distraction of Lies by Charlotte E. Hart



This one is a hard one to describe.
It’s a woman’s spiral into something completely different to what’s she’s been up until now.
A time of her life she will use to reinvent herself and bury her pain as deep as she can.
Also, a man who will assist her in this endeavour for his own unexplained reasons.
Just what is Gray’s game and why is he hiding himself away from the world at large.
There’s definitely more going on here than what we’ve been told and I so wanted to learn his particular backstory.
This was so surreal and I actually had a deep well of apprehension the further on I went.
I think mostly because I didn’t know what was actually occurring and the whys and also because it was a tad out of my comfort zone.
I was totally wondering if maybe Hannah had bit off more than she could chew
This one was very unique and darkly different.
I’m intrigued to see where it goes next.
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of A Distraction Of Lies (Truth And Lies Trilogy #1)


Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm