A review by knitswithbeer
Bookworm: A Memoir of Childhood Reading by Lucy Mangan


What a joyous book!
I'm slightly older and perhaps not quite the all-consuming bookworm that Mangan is but, by God, this book is brilliant.
It does indeed bring on nostalgia but it also triggers the kind of recognition that makes one realise why reading is important; if only because it can be fun.
As usual, this paper-copy book was my public transport, out and about book.
It has shared bus and train journeys with me, as well as more than a few pints. And yes, it had me laughing out loud in all those places.
It has also increased my 'want to read' list by a few items. How could I have missed them growing up?

A word on libraries. My first was in Astley Bridge, a building my sister now works in (no longer a library), that on the occasion of my visiting her there triggered such fond memories.
We moved house seven times in the first ten years of marriage. My first task, even before the girls were born, was to join the local library.
We've now been in Euxton 22 years and both girls - now adults - still use the library, as do I, even if it's more often than not in digital form.
Please use your library. Otherwise you will lose it.