A review by closejack
The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny, and Murder by David Grann


Earlier this year I read the first book in very long Aubrey & Maturing series by Patrick O'Brian, Master and Commander. Despite being lost with all the terminology for a good portion of that book, I was completely drawn into characters and the period. I fully intend to read more of the series. Patrick O'Brian wrote a novel called 'The Unknown Shore' in 1959 before the Aubrey & Maturin series, this story follows the lives of two crew members aboard the Wager, I haven't read this book however as described in The Wager by David Grann, that book acted as a bit of a prototype for his big series.

I picked up The Wager for £1.60 at a charity shop. It had been on my list for a while and I couldn't resist the bargain. I then proceeded to consume this book in just over a week (quick for my normal pace!). Such a compelling and thrilling read!

The amount of research into the story of The Wager that David Grann has done is astounding and made even more impressive by his excellent and approachable storytelling. The story of The Wager has it all from dramatic storms, murder, shipwrecks and mutiny. I'm not normally very good with non-fiction books but this completely absorbed me.

The detail of naval life in this period was fascinating and also provides a nice foundation of knowledge for the Patrick O'Brians series. I think it's easy to romanticise these storys with tales of great battles and treasures but this book brings a more real side to that. A side that at times, had elements of horror with the lives of these people that struggled on the ships, sailing in harsh conditions and again when shipwrecked on an island.

Time to explore other David Grann works...